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Features Gold
In full control with the app
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
Travel protection
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
Lounges (for an additional fee)
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
Eurocard Portal
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
In full control with the app

Whether you have received your invoice or not, you can easily see your current balance whenever you want by downloading our app.

In full control with the app

Travel protection

When you pay at least 50% of your ticket, going abroad, with Eurocard Corporate Gold, a travel protection is included. This is extra safety during your business travels and included free of charge.

Travel protection

Lounges (for an additional fee)

Eurocard give you access to comfortable lounges at selected airports in Scandinavia.

Lounges (for an additional fee)

Eurocard Portal

As part of our corporate card solutions, you will be granted free access to the Eurocard Portal as an additional advantage.

Eurocard Portal