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Travel protection

When you pay at least 50% of your ticket, going abroad, with Eurocard Corporate Gold, a travel protection is included. This is extra safety during your business travels and included free of charge.

  • The protection for example compensates expenses that occur due to delayed luggage or flights.
  • If your flight is either overbooked or more than two hours delayed, you are entitled compensation for meals and accommodation.
  • The travel protection also includes cashback protection.


For further information

Tryg (Moderna Försäkringar)
Phone. 0800 93552
IPID (pdf)
Terms and Conditions (pdf)

Make a claim

Cover for luggage delay

The travel protection covers the costs arising from purchase or rent of essential articles, if your luggage has not been distributed within two hours of the arrival of the means of transport at the destination outside your home country.

Essential articles may include clothes and toiletries. The necessity of the acquired articles is assessed in relation to the purpose of the trip.

Cover for delay

The cover is intended for situations in which the insured has to await the departure of a flight or other public conveyance for more than two hours owing to a delay in the flight or other public conveyance or because of overbooking.

Necessary and reasonable living and accommodation expenses are indemnified. Costs of necessary clothes and hygiene products are also indemnified if you have been obligated to check-in your luggage.

Cover for missed departure

The travel protection indemnifies costs related to missed departure or connecting transportation abroad or in your home country in conjunction with air travel abroad, if you fail to arrive at the departure point for your pre-booked flight, boat or train trip because a public conveyance or transport arranged by the tour operator is delayed, or if the private motor vehicle you are using is directly involved in a traffic accident. The policy indemnifies reasonable and necessary extra transport and accommodation expenses.

Cash withdrawal cover

The travel protection covers robbery of cash withdrawn with a Eurocard Corporate Gold from an ATM or over the counter, provided that the robbery occurs within 24 hours of the withdrawal.