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Features Platinum Gold
In full control with the app
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
not included ingår ej ikke inkludert ikke inkluderet ei sisälly
Extended travel insurance
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
not included ingår ej ikke inkludert ikke inkluderet ei sisälly
Eurocard Portal
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
Concierge service
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
not included ingår ej ikke inkludert ikke inkluderet ei sisälly
90 days price protection
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
not included ingår ej ikke inkludert ikke inkluderet ei sisälly
90 days purchase protection
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
not included ingår ej ikke inkludert ikke inkluderet ei sisälly
Extended purchase protection
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
not included ingår ej ikke inkludert ikke inkluderet ei sisälly
Travel insurance
not included ingår ej ikke inkludert ikke inkluderet ei sisälly
included inkluderad inkludert inkluderet sisältyy
In full control with the app

Whether you have received your invoice or not, you can easily see your current balance whenever you want by downloading our app.

In full control with the app


Eurocard give you access to comfortable lounges at selected airports in Scandinavia.



With our platinum card, you get free membership in a lounge program, which gives you access to approximately 1100 VIP lounges around the world.


Extended travel insurance

The extended coverage in the travel insurance is one of the benefits of our Platinum card, when more than 50 % of the trip is paid for with the credit card, and makes sure you have a safe journey.

Extended travel insurance

Eurocard Portal

As part of our corporate card solutions, you will be granted free access to the Eurocard Portal as an additional advantage.

Eurocard Portal

Concierge service

Concierge Service is an exclusive service part of Eurocard Platinum that helps you with travel bookings, table reservations, purchasing event tickets, getting local tips when you travel and much more.

Concierge service

90 days price protection

With Eurocard Platinum you have up to 90 days price protection insurance.

90 days price protection

90 days purchase protection

The purchase protection insurance covers theft, fire and damage caused by accident, 90 days after date of purchase for goods paid for with our Platinum card.

90 days purchase protection

Extended purchase protection

When buying electric household appliances with our Platinum card, the warranty is automatically extended with 1 year. For a total maximum of 3 years.

Extended purchase protection

Travel insurance

The travel insurance also includes cancellation insurance when more than 50 % of the trip is paid for with the credit card.

Travel insurance