When the Swedish state, through the Swedish National Debt Office Riksgälden, procures payment solutions for government agencies, the requirements for security and quality are exceptionally high. It has now been confirmed that Eurocard has gained renewed trust through a new multi-year contract.

“Riksgälden has been very clear in its requirements. They seek a solution that is easy to use and administer while ensuring broad compatibility and meeting today’s stringent security standards,” says Anna Norrga, Key Account Manager at Eurocard and continues:
“We are very proud to have met these high expectations, which also serves as strong proof that our payment solutions stand the test of time.”

The agreement covers more than 215 government agencies across Sweden and entails that Eurocard will provide travel accounts linked to already procured business travel agencies and other travel suppliers, with the option to get everything on one single invoice. Additionally, Eurocard will supply corporate cards, both virtual and physical.

Additionally, the credit cards with personal payment liability, currently used by various government agencies, will gradually be replaced with corporate cards where the employer is the credit holder.

“Such a transition enhances security and provides even greater oversight of all transactions. It also helps keep the total cost for the agency down,” says Anna Norrga.

Eurocard has been the Swedish state’s first choice for payment solutions since 1994, but continuing in that role is not something that can be taken for granted.

“The payments market is constantly evolving, and it is essential to offer solutions that remain relevant to the customer, not only today but also in the years to come. We are committed to continuing to deliver seamless and secure payment solutions to government agencies,” says Gustavo Molano, Nordic Head of Direct Sales at Eurocard.

The renewed agreement run from 1 September 2025 and 3 years ahead, with the possibility of extension for 1 year.

About the Swedish National Debt Office:

The Swedish National Debt Office is the government’s central financial administration and, among other things, is tasked with:

  • Procuring framework agreements for the Swedish government concerning cards and travel account services, banking services and prepaid card services.
  • Acting as the state’s internal bank
  • Borrowing and managing the national debt
  • Issuing state guarantees and credits
  • Assuming responsibility for the deposit guarantee scheme and investor protections
  • Assuming responsibility for the state management of banks in crisis

Source: riksgalden.se

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