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A good travel policy benefits everyone


Travel Account

2 min


An employee is on a business trip. When the work day is over, she could return home with a flight departing at 5 pm, however the company travel policy for employees requires her to choose the lowest fare. So she has to wait until 8pm since that trip is 100 SEK cheaper. Is this a good or bad policy?

– This is an example of a travel policy that could be improved. It is restrictive and ignores the fact that the employee has a life outside work, says Jennie Jonasson, Head of Financial and Corporate Partner Sales at Eurocard.

To create a good travel policy, it is worth drawing on travel agencies’ extensive expertise in minimising companies’ travel costs through bespoke agreements with airlines and hotels. Travel agencies can also offer environmentally sustainable travel alternatives and help build a good environmental profile for companies.

– Many companies have very complicated travel policies, which employees are expected to thoroughly familiarise themselves with. The truth is that few, if any, do, she says, adding that:

– A travel policy should be based on solid knowledge, and the 40 business travel agencies that we work closely with have this knowledge.

Experience creates security

An overly detailed travel policy, developed without considering its users, risks failing. At the same time, it is important for companies to be able to effectively manage their costs.

– A successful travel policy is achieved by explaining why people should travel in a certain way, and this is where our partners (business travel agencies) are experts, says Jennie Jonasson

How do you know if you have a good travel policy?

According to her, it is important to check whether employees are actually following the policy. For example, if many suppliers are being used outside the policy, this is a sign that the policy is not working optimally.

– A useful and transparent policy that can be consulted digitally will also be used by employees.

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