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Terms, conditions and prices

Prices as of October 14 2024

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions (pdf)
Cancellation form - in Norwegian (pdf)
Standardized European Consumer Credit Information - in Norwegian (pdf)
Terms for digital receipts - in Norwegian (pdf)
Use of credit score models - in Norwegian

Price per year
Eurocard Gold NOK 645
Eurocard Platinum NOK 1,695
Eurocard Gold price if you already have a Eurocard Corporate Gold NOK 245/year
Eurocard Gold discount price for senior citizens NOK 300/year

Other prices

Electronic invoice
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 0
Paper invoice**
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 15
Cash withdrawal fee at minibank
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum 4,0 % of the amount withdrawn (min. NOK 40)
Cash withdrawal fee from bank, post office, store
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum 4,0 % of the amount withdrawn (min. NOK 60)
Currency surcharge
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum 2 % plus additional costs charged by Mastercard.
Replacement card
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 175
Express delivery of card within the Nordics
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 550
Express delivery of card outside of the Nordics
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 900
Copy of invoice
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 100
Overdue interest
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum Set according to Ministry of Finance rates
Partial payment, nominal interest rate
Eurocard Gold 19,8 %
Eurocard Platinum 19,2 %
Partial payment, effective interest rate*
Eurocard Gold 33,87 %
Eurocard Platinum From 21,25 % – 27,11 %
Reminder fee
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 35
Collection fee
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 35


5 extra days til due date
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 100 per card/year
10 extra days til due date
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 150 per card/year
Payment protection
Eurocard Gold 0,75 % of outstanding balance/month
Eurocard Platinum -
ID-theft insurance including deductible reduction cover for car rental
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum Cardholder: NOK 69/month. This price includes cardholder, spouse/partner and family members (children under the age of 25 registered at the same address).
Personal accident insurance, Single Standard (1 person)
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 100/month (NOK 1 000,000 insurance amount)
Personal accident insurance, Couple Standard (2 persons)
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 190/month (NOK 1 000,000 insurance amount)
Personal accident insurance, Single Plus (1 person)
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 190/month (NOK 2 000,000 insurance amount)
Personal accident insurance, Couple Plus (2 persons)
Eurocard Gold/ Eurocard Platinum NOK 355/month (NOK 2 000,000/person insurance amount)


Eurocard Gold

*The effective interest rate on a credit of NOK 15 000 over 12 months is 33.87%. Credit cost will be NOK 2,333, and the total amount will be NOK 17,333.

Based on the card being used for 10 purchases in Norway, 1 cash withdrawal in Norway, 3 purchases abroad and 1 cash withdrawal abroad. Each purchase and cash withdrawals amounts to NOK 1,000 so that the total amount will be NOK 15,000. The sum will be paid back in 12 equal installments.

Eurocard Platinum

*The effective interest rate on a credit of NOK 70,000 over 12 months is in the range from 21.25% to 27.11%. Credit cost will be between NOK 7,360 to NOK 9,055, and the total amount will be between NOK 77,360 to NOK 79,055 (27.11% if the annual fee is NOK 1,695).

Based on the card being used for 10 purchases in Norway, 1 cash withdrawal in Norway, 3 purchases abroad and 1 cash withdrawal abroad. Each purchase and cash withdrawals amounts to NOK , 000 so that the total amount will be NOK 15,000. The sum will be paid back in 12 equal installments.

Currency conversion from foreign currency to Norwegian kroner (NOK)

When converting from foreign currency to NOK, the exchange rate received by Eurocard from Mastercard, along with a currency discount, is used. Information about currency and currency conversion can be found in the price list and in section 7 of the Terms and Conditions.

Check your exchanges rates

Tips for how to use credit cards responsibly

Used correctly, a credit card will give you access to benefits, flexibility and interest-free credit. However, it is important to remember that using a credit card can affect your finances. Before applying for this credit card, we recommend that you study the terms and conditions, the cost of using it, the effective interest rate and other relevant information.

You will receive an invoice for the purchases you made during the period once a month, stating the balance you are required to pay. If you choose to postpone parts of the payment by switching to a different sum, interest will be charged on the amount outstanding after the due date. You will also be charged interest and other costs if you forget to pay the invoice by or on the due date. In contrast, you will not be charged interest if you pay the full amount outstanding stated on the invoice by or on the due date. So remember that the sooner you pay down the amount outstanding, the lower the interest charges will be. 

Think about how you plan to use the card before applying for it and give careful consideration to the credit limit that suits your needs and your financial situation. Don’t forget that in a worst case scenario, using a credit card may lead to payment issues if you should find yourself in a situation where you cannot pay what you owe. So, use the Eurocard app to help you keep a close eye on your spending at all times, and to check how much you are charging to your card. Via the app, you can always access an up-to-date overview of your purchases, balance and invoices. You use the app to request notifications when you make purchases, to approve online purchases and, if necessary, to block your card.