Expense management for all sizes

Integration for all needs

All companies have different circumstances, but we can help no matter your needs. Smooth system integration can facilitate expense management from reporting and digital receipts all the way through to complete integration with a Travel & Expense Management (TEM) system.

An integration solution for your current TEM system will reduce manual workload and simultaneously boost security, reducing the risks of fraud and error. What gets paid out is what goes back in – and you won’t need to spare a second thought on currency conversions. Everything happens automatically in the app.

The benefits of TEM integration

Save time and money

TEM integration makes expense management faster and simpler for everyone in the company. This way, you can put your resources where they are needed the most.

Increased security

Fully digitising your expense management reduces the risk of both fraud and error. Simply put, it means the right money in the right place.

Full control

Complete TEM integration gives you better oversight and more control – from the purchase itself all the way into your business system.

An all-round solution with TEM

With a TEM-integrated solution, we can help you every step of the way from the purchase to your business system. Seamless, smooth and simple. Eurocard helps you to simplify your management while simultaneously giving you more control.

Sign up and sit back

In order to carry out a complete system integration, your company will need to be signed up to one of the business systems that Eurocard collaborates with.

Have you already got your own TEM system or no system at all? Start by getting in touch with one of the companies on our list.

Which system integration is for us?

Two levels of integration

Transaction files for an easier life

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On average, it takes 24 minutes to manually prepare an expense report. Using a TEM system with transaction files, you can forget manual data entry altogether. Purchases are uploaded automatically and the only thing you need to do is select what report the purchase belongs to. This both saves valuable time and reduces the risk of error.

On average, it takes 24 minutes to manually prepare an expense report. Using a TEM system with transaction files, you can forget manual data entry altogether. Purchases are uploaded automatically and the only thing you need to do is select what report the purchase belongs to. This both saves valuable time and reduces the risk of error.

Seamless management with Smart receipts

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A TEM system with digital receipts at all stages for purchase to accounting means speedy, smooth and seamless reporting. With Smart receipts, you don’t even need to type in individual expenses on the receipt. Simply send your receipts and select what report they belong to and the rest will happen automatically.

A TEM system with digital receipts at all stages for purchase to accounting means speedy, smooth and seamless reporting. With Smart receipts, you don’t even need to type in individual expenses on the receipt. Simply send your receipts and select what report they belong to and the rest will happen automatically.

Want to pay in a different way?

The best way to get a perfect solution for your company: let us tailor it for you. Get in touch with us today.

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