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Oslo Taxi digitalise customer receipts with Smart receipts

Customer case

Smart receipts

4 min


Oslo Taxi is making life easier for business travelers with the help of Eurocard's solution Smart receipts. This means that customers will receive a digital receipt direct to their mobile as soon as the journey is paid for. Less hassle, no more paper receipts.

With more than 4.5 million journeys each year, Oslo Taxi is Norway's largest taxi company. Such vast industry experience also brings unique insight into what customers demand. For Lars Mollerud, Sales and Marketing Manager at Oslo Taxi, and his colleagues, it is clear that paper receipts have become a major obstacle for business travellers looking to go about their business quickly and smoothly.

“I think we can all relate to how frustrating it can be to manage piles of crinkly and unsorted paper receipts, especially when it comes to reporting expenses after a business trip. This was a regular problem we saw with our customers and we asked ourselves ‘what we can do to make things easier and more manageable’”, says Lars Mollerud.

When Oslo Taxi heard about Eurocard's Smart receipts they saw an opportunity to offer their customers more than just a smooth ride in one of their vehicles, but that they could also help to make expense management faster and smoother for them.

“Smart receipts are just that, smart. It means that our customers can get a digital receipt sent directly to their smartphones right after they have paid for their journey with a Eurocard corporate card. The receipt is matched with the correct transaction and sent automatically to their company's expense management system”.

Oslo Taxi has identified this as a flexible solution not only for taxi customers but also for their own business. “We saw Smart receipts as an opportunity to make things easier, partly for our taxi customers, but also for our own drivers. A secure and flexible payment solution benefits everyone”, he says.

As well as simplifying the actual payment, Smart receipts also reduce the risk of important receipts being destroyed or lost before the customer has submitted their expense report.

“The taxi journey is only a part of what we offer. Therefore, it is also important for us to offer a service that fits today’s digital advances that are going on in the payment industry.”

Lars believes it is important for Oslo Taxi to be at the forefront in such areas.

“We want to be part of this journey and drive development. By showing that we do that little extra for our customers, we also set a good industry standard. And we are very proud of that”.

How Smart receipts work:

  1. Customer makes a payment with a Eurocard business card
  2. A digital receipt is immediately sent to their smartphone and matched with the correct transaction in their company's expense management system
  3. Everything is ready for the customer to submit the expense report for approval

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