Smart receipts
Here we have collected everything you need to know about smart receipts.
Frequently asked questions
What is Smart receipts?
Smart receipts enables company cardholders to digitalise their receipts and match them to the right transaction in the Eurocard app, or to receive a digital receipt directly from the merchant.
This means that, when receipts are delivered to you, they are automatically matched with the right transaction.
Paired transactions and receipts are then automatically sent to the company’s expense management system.
What are the different ways to manage receipts in Smart receipts?
Smart receipts makes it possible for you to match receipts to your transactions in four different ways by:
- Using your Eurocard app to take a photo of your receipt and attach it to the right transaction
- Uploading a PDF receipt directly to your Eurocard app via the upload icon and attaching the receipt to your transaction
- Uploading a receipt from your camera roll by clicking on the upload icon, choosing your Eurocard app and attaching the receipt to the right transaction
- A digital receipt coming directly from the merchant which is then automatically matched with the right transaction
Which merchants are connected to Smart receipts?
By clicking on the link below, you can see a list of all the merchant that we collaborate with today. The list is updated as more merchants are being integrated.
Which expense management systems can receive Smart receipts?
By clicking on the link below, you can see a list of all the suppliers that we collaborate with regarding Smart receipts. The list is updated as more systems are being integrated.
Can the receipts be delivered together with the invoice to an ERP system?
Unfortunately, this solution is not yet available. The receipts can still be captured using the Eurocard app and emailed to any preferred receiver.
How soon can I see the transaction in the Eurocard app?
The transaction is instantly available in the app after purchase which means that the cardholder can take a picture of the receipt and match it immediately.
Can I throw away the paper receipt after taking a photo of it?
Each company is responsible to comply with local legislations.
In Finland, Norway and Denmark, a paper receipt does not have to be kept if it is available in digital format. In Sweden, the law states that paper receipts must be kept for auditing purposes.
How long will the receipts be available in the Eurocard app?
Your digitalised receipts will be stored together with your transaction for three years.
Most expense management systems keep receipts according to local legislation which is why we recommend that you use those systems for receipt storage.
How do I know if I should take a photo or if a digital receipt is coming from the merchant?
By activating notifications for your Eurocard app, you can instantly receive notifications at the point of purchase letting you know that a purchase has been made and whether a digital receipt will be delivered directly from the merchant or if you should take a photo of the paper receipt and match it with the transaction.
Will all receipts be delivered to the company expense management system?
If the company has signed up for Smart receipts, all receipts delivered directly from merchants, or captured by the Eurocard app, will be delivered automatically and matched with the right transaction.
Why does a padlock appear on the receipt in the Eurocard app?
The padlock shows that the receipt has been sent to your company's expense management system. If you want to make any changes to the receipt, this can be done directly in the expense management system.
Does the cardholder need to activate the service?
The cardholder does not need to activate Smart receipts, this is done automatically when the company signs up for the service. At the same time, an email will be sent to all cardholders letting them know more about the service and how to get started by downloading the Eurocard app.
How late can I match the receipt to the transaction to ensure it's delivered to my expense management system?
There is no limit for how late the receipt can be matched with your transaction. However, if the transaction has already been completed in an expense report in your expense management system, it has been closed and the receipt will be discarded and cannot be matched. Changes to the receipt must then be made directly in the expense management system.
Can I use the digital receipts for accounting?
The rules vary according to local legislation, and also if you have an image-based receipt (photo receipt) or a digital receipt directly from the merchant (created in the merchants cash register). We recommend that you ask your accountant for advice.
Can the company administrator see the receipts in Eurocard Portal?
Yes, the receipts are visible next to the transactions in Eurocard Portal.
Can the receipts be seen in My Eurocard?
Yes, the receipts are visible next to the transactions in My Eurocard.
When do my receipts appear in my expense management system?
When the final clearing has arrived from the merchant, most often 1-2 days after the purchase is made, the transaction will be sent together with the matched receipt to the expense management system. This usually takes a few hours.
I have a previously matched a receipt that now appears in my app and I am asked to re-match it, why?
The receipt has first been matched to the authorisation from the merchant. When the final clearing from the purchase later arrives, the information is insufficient. To be completely sure that the correct receipt is matched to the transaction, the cardholder is therefore asked to verify.
Smart receipts
Smart receipts is a solution that automatically delivers the receipt to your smartphone, pairs it with the right transaction and sends it to your expense management system.
Contact Eurocard
Do you need help finding the best solution for your company? Do not hesitate to contact us - we are ready to help you.